This item is a must-have for any fan of British history and military memorabilia. Included in this set are 16 soldiers Capt vickers and Albert spanner. The Corgi bentley the Ford tanker with + limited edition certificate [both boxed] the cast cannon on the roof of the HQ [diecast] sentry box. And a unique tin only made for these items. The tin building are NOT included.
Captain Vickers has just drove his newly camouflaged Bentley to Basing barracks HQ, unfortunately the 6 cylinder vehicle only manages 2 miles to the litre [10 miles gallon] so he ran out of petrol. Captain Vickers has enlisted the help of the HQ staff in order to ensure his car is filled with petrol as Its imperative to get it going as he needs to go to a secret meeting with prominent military staff Rear Admiral Sinden and Lord Reginald Arthur Basingstoke at Blakley Manor. It would not be "cricket " to miss this meeting as it includes Sherry, cucumber sandwiches Victoria sponge finished of with a Napoleon brandy aslo some intel on the king as Basigstoke knows him well.
And some discussion about troop number for D DAY. So parade is cancelled as help is needed from Albert spanner the RAF mechanic who has brought the vintage tanker "a blithering push to get the confounding car going". Is heard from Captain Vickers whilst pvt Albert interjects with that would not help sir you need petrol "Captain Vickers cuts him short with " This blooming war is so annoying. Dammed inconvenient anyway get in the vehicle and follow me i do not want to stop again that would be embarrassing.